518 West Italian Restaurant
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518 W. Jones St. - Raleigh, NC 27603
Telephone: (919) 829-2518 Fax: (919) 829-0248

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Check Out Our Changes...

... as most folks are now looking even more for value driven products, we are offering up a bit of change on our own. Our business has remained strong I think in part due to the fact that we are still a value driven restaurant...we have great pricing on our wines, we have not raised prices even as our costs have gone up, and we strive to maintain our quality.

However we are even going one step further. We are lowering prices on several menu items as our costs have dropped, passing that savings on to our customers. I suppose the biggest news is that we are again going to be offering up half orders of all our pastas...and yes, meatballs are back on the menu. We are updating several of our classics like the Chicken Marsala and the Pork Milanese, and changing up the Eggplant Parm a bit.

With all the great changes taking place in the country, we are offering up a little change of our own.

Please check out our menu.

Coming on January 21st.....

see ya then,