518 West Italian Restaurant
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518 W. Jones St. - Raleigh, NC 27603
Telephone: (919) 829-2518 Fax: (919) 829-0248

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Beer? On a Wine Blog?


Hand-crafted beers have come a long way recently, and here at 518 West we are proud to offer a selection of outstanding brews! Whether you are in the mood for a lighter Jever Pilsner, or a hearty Duck Rabbit Milk Stout, 518 is your spot. Our bar is open all afternoon 6 days a week, and serves as a perfect spot for meeting friends after work. If you have a passion for great beer (we do), then take the time on your next visit to sample our large-format options.

Belgian-style ales are immensely popular throughout the world, and have gained a new appreciation in the United States. Careful crafting and bottle conditioning work together to produce some of the most aromatic and flavorful beers on the market. 518 West is proud to offer both the Westmalle Trappist Ale as well as the Dupont Saison Farmhouse Ale. They are both available in large-format, perfect for sharing. Remember: consume Belgian beer responsibly - ask your bartender for the perfect glass to enjoy your beer!

Rogue is a familiar name around North Carolina, as their fine beers from Oregon have a strong following here. Perhaps the most popular locally is the "Dead Guy Ale", found in a larger 22 oz size ($12.25). A full bodied ale with robust flavor, it is the perfect introduction to the entire Rogue lineup. An affordable price is nice too!

Take the afternoon off - head out early, grab a friend, and come on in to 518 West for a chance to relax and drink great beer!

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