518 West Italian Restaurant
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518 W. Jones St. - Raleigh, NC 27603
Telephone: (919) 829-2518 Fax: (919) 829-0248

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Here at 518 we feel a responsibility to run the business in a way that minimizes our impact on the environment.

We buy fresh and local when we can and choose organic when it makes sense. We use polenta ground locally in Guilford County and goat Cheese (chevre) from Nash County. Local companies such as Cornocopia in Hillsborough and Capri Flavors in Morrisville provide us with many of our specialty products while U.S. Foods located in Zebulon provides us with many of our groceries. We also go to the farmers market to shop for North Carolina seasonal produce. At every point we source our products as close to nature and with the least amount of refinement possible, because that’s the way we like to eat.

When we began building 518 back in the mid ‘90’s there weren’t many “green measures” to guide us. But we recycled the brick in the building, both to maintain the historic integrity and to lower the impact at the landfill. All of the ironwork was custom cast by a local company in Pittsboro. The building’s original heart pine beams were sent away to be milled into our airlock and to provide the flooring for the upstairs portion of the restaurant.

Our to-go containers are made from either a compostable corn based material or from a sugar cane by-product. We use unbleached brown bags for bread. These all have a smaller impact on the environment than petroleum based plastic, which takes ages to break down in landfills. It also eliminates the bleach used to whiten paper sacks that ultimately leaches into the rivers near the paper mills.

And we have always recycled our cardboard, even before it was mandated by the city. Today we recycle all of our glass as well. We pay extra for this service, but it feels like the right thing to do. What we learned at 518 helped our sister restaurant in RTP, Mez Contemporary Mexican, to recently become the first LEED certified restaurant in North Carolina!

All these efforts come together to make 518 a more eco-friendly restaurant for you.


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